Tommy Thompson Releases Latest Television Ad, "Too Liberal"


Date: Sept. 28, 2012
Location: Madison, WI

Today, the Tommy Thompson campaign launched its newest ad, titled "Too Liberal." The ad exposes Madison liberal Tammy Baldwin's plan to slash Medicare and raise taxes on the middle class. The ad will be seen in various media markets in Wisconsin and will premier just hours before the first U.S. Senate debate.

"Wisconsin families have the right to know that Congresswoman Tammy Baldwin plans to gut their Medicare and increase their taxes by nearly $3,000," said Tommy Thompson. "Baldwin's views are so extreme, even former Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi condemned her radical plan for a government takeover of health care as "disruptive to Medicare.'

"As senator, I will fight for Wisconsin's seniors and middle-class families by preserving and strengthening Medicare and keeping taxes low for all Americans. I did it as governor, and I will do it again as a U.S. Senator.


(Thompson) "I'm Tommy Thompson and I approve this message."
(Narrator) "How extreme is Tammy Baldwin?"
(Baldwin) "I actually was for a government takeover of medicine."
(Narrator) "So extreme that even San Francisco liberal Nancy Pelosi attacked Baldwin's radical plan for disrupting Medicare for seniors.
"And to pay for her 2 trillion dollar government takeover, Baldwin would raise taxes on middle class families nearly $3,000 every year.
"Tammy Baldwin, too liberal for Pelosi, too extreme for Wisconsin. "
